Well the month of August has been a really busy busy busy month for me.
Also it is the month where I say goodbye to my Year 2 Sem 1 classmates.
At first we were distant but now I am actually going to miss all of them.
So conclude this month of august,
I am going to post all the pictures I took for this month.
Here is my photostory haha..

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Birthday Beer from the Lamas. Best day ever as I had a rough week when they celebrated my b'day, look at the amazing card!! Haha its currently on my wall by the way. I am really glad I met these bunch of friends as they just really opened my anti-social door. Showing me that there more to life then just these four walls.
Birthday treats from my parents. Cake and wallet on my birthday itself. Wasn't a grand celebration because I had to work on my birthday :( BUT they made it up to me by bringing me to eat xiao long bao at Lot 1's paradise dynasty..the mango pudding was to die for!!
Various Sunset pictures for the month of August.
It was very hot in the first few weeks but we're hitting the raining season soon
so YAY!!
Went to chomps with my four of my classmates/friends and honestly had a fun night.
So over the national day/hari raya weekend I went to a lot of places with the family and one of them was Garden by bay. If I have the time, Maybe I will post up the pics I took there. It was beautiful. Especially the layout in the forest dome..or was it called the hill dome. I forgot :/

Went to watch a free show at sentosa with wifey~~
A group called "before you exit"..they were so-so for me but hey wifey wanted to watch so I just tagged along cuz honestly I liked going out then staying at home.
After the concert and some walk through sentosa we had an impromtu drinking session but I had to stop at 2 drinks cuz I had work the next day and had to wake up at 4am. Life of an events assistant.
So, for our last lesson for effective presentation, I decided to wear a dress (how surprising...it rained that day by the way) It was soooo uncomfortable. [Picture is not mine by the way] Anyways highlight of the day was that our faci treated us to loads of pizza. Love that faci but sadly we only knew her for three lessons.. :/ Gonna miss all my classmates who I can now safely say are my friends.
Went out for dinner last friday with my classmates and friends again (All the way to bedok too!).
Also since we are quite early we went to drink at the same bar as last time. But this time I drank some of my friends beer other then my own so lets just say I took the taxi home and crashed into bed. Love this brand of beer by the way. It tastes so nice
I went for Ignite again this year!! It was awesome but I couldn't enjoy much because I was basically still hungover from the night before (such a loser I was..I blame on the lack of sleep I had before drinking that night)
Work as usual...
And I finally watched the phantom of the opera!!! My dream has came true. IT WAS SPECTACULAR. i'm so happy that i finally got to watch it because I have wanted to watch it since I was it in primary school and watched the movie in secondary. The story itself is so sad. And honestly the musical was magical. The tricks the lighting the fire blazing the stage. It may be boring for some but it was awesome for me.
I just sat there like a kid watching a movie for the first time. Everything fascinated me. Hope to see another musical in the future! Maybe Cats. I also have wanted to watch Cats since young.
So that was my august. I hope I get to post more often as the holidays are coming soon but I can't promise as I will also (still) be working over the holidays.
Cheers :)