Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Writing Letters

My collection of letters
From the first letter I ever gotten from my grandparents to the most recent one from my friend overseas

Hello World! 

Well, just wanted to write in after I sat through one commercial I saw on TV that seemed really stupid but actually got me thinking.

It was an ad I assume to get people to write letters to xia xue and dash? Because I wasn't really paying attention to the content and happened to just hear bits and pieces of what it was saying, I cant really judge the ad.

However, a point I got from the video was that people now can just send an sms or whatsapp to connet with their friends and most people dont write letters anymore.

This point I agree. If I were to compare the times of my parents and our time, things definitely changed. Our world have became smaller and connected. Gone are the days of "snail mail", now is the era of instant reply. Heck now, we get a bit irritated when our friends don't reply within 5-10 minutes of our message. If we look back to the past era, we would have to wait at least 1 week to get us..so actually waiting 5 to 10 minutes is not that bad

Anyways point is, where did all the letter writing go? Personally I love recieving letters and I write a few letters in a year. Its the best way to surprise people plus you feel a person's sincerity through letters.

When I was in secondary school, my friends and I we made a point to write a letter to each other once a week and it was really fun! Because we were in different classes we just wrote what we did and what happened in our class. Since she was a really good artist, she would actually decorate the paper around her letter and it was really cool. This feeling cant be felt through phones honestly.

Yes typing a message an email is efficient but it makes a bigger impact if you send a letter on a person's birthday then a simple message that says 'happy birthday' right?

I feel that people should know more about that feeling of recieving and writing letters.

The letter I wrote to myself...That I finally opened 2 months back
Something I did with letters was I wrote to myself. Yes you may think I'm some lonely lil shit but when I was 16 I wrote a letter to my 21 year old self. And yes. I was embarrased as hell when I opened it this year. But I felt a bit emotional because it made me look back to those days when I was 16. (It could also be because I opened it at a time when I was really stressed out and just wanted to give up) 

But I realised that writing a letter to myself re-secured my goals. The 16 year old me struggled with her studies and was just insecure about anything. She was just content if she passed that damn N and eventually O levels. But..5 years down the road. This insecure 16 year old, passed both her N and O (not with flying colors for O, but still passed), graduated from poly with confidence and came out a little bit from her introverted shell. This insecure 16 year old got to actually travel overseas with her friends to the place she loved. The letter to myself actually made me realised that I actually am not a failure and was actually able to accomplish so much things!

So you see writing letters dosent mean you need to write to someone else. You can always just write to yourself. To actually get you to reflect about your past (and also boost your self-esteem).

So why not try by writing a letter to yourself. It may seem ridiculous but by the time you forget about it and a time for you to open it comes, it dosent seem ridiculous at all ;)

With that..I shall go back to researching on my paper (urgh),


Saturday, 10 October 2015

You don't live to please others but yourself.

I went through a few things recently that made me realise two things.

I am the best when I am alone and I love my life right now.

Yes I still complain about how shitty school is and how having to balance work and school is not giving me a social life but...I really like it.

Working and schooling keeps me busy and tired, but you can only do this when you are young right? Plus I love my workplace too much to quit. As for school, its a stupid decision I made but I should still see it through right? And I am actually starting to enjoy my Psych classes and getting a tad bit annoyed at my media classes haha.

Being busy also means that I won't do stupid things (like trying out a date app and try to meet guys which I realised is really really reaaaally not my kind of thing.)

Another thing I realised while I was being so busy was that...I have no time for shit like relationships and I wondered..why have I always been seeking to be in one when being single is so good! (Maybe in secondary it would've been nice, but secondary school days are longggg over and  I'm over and done with it now.  Dueling in the past wont get me anywhere.)

Being single means you don't have to think about another person, worry whether to reply or not to reply and just basically live your life the way you want! I guess as many say, such a time will come when you meet the right person but I realised now is not the time for me to settle the shit down.

I want to travel. I want to work. I want to get over studying and THEN get married to my work.

I have no idea why I didn't see this until now. Being alone and independent is so awesome. (well that is unless a japanese guy comes and sweep me off my feet haha)

So yeah, life is awesome now for me. I am surrounded by people I love, what more do I need? I was a fool in the past. But now I am striving to live everyday with this new thought of mine.

You don't live to please others but yourself.
