Sunday, 23 February 2014

A little update...

Hey guys!!!
Whhhooot guess what guys I passed the 100 mark!!
Yes this would be my 101th post!!
haha amazing even how I managed to write 100 posts..
Anyways, I am finally done with 15 weeks of school
and am now preparing for my UTs/exams.
Urgh, its so sad how time passes so fast.
Especially this semester. It is gone just like that in a blink of an eye.

I really liked this semester because my class became close over the weeks
and I had really awesome facilitators. School didn't seem to bore me as much as my other sems did.
Also, not to mention I'm going for internship soon D':
Which means I probably won't see a lot of people until I graduate. I'm kinda sad about that.
Wish we had a longer sem 2. My heart isn't ready to go for intern.

Anyways, since I am supposed to be revising instead of writing a post,
I shall write till here.
No worries though, I will write a better post soon after my UT is over!

(P.s I shall leave this post with the last few pictures I took for Photography lesson ><)

Lesson: Lines 
Slanted Shadows

Lesson: Still Life Photography
OCD Chicken Rice 
Lesson: Commercial photography 
Chicken Rice @ Lawn 

Lesson:  'Moody People' 

Lesson : Moody People 
Lesson: Fashion Shoot 
 School Fashion 

 Lesson: Fashion Shoot 
Theme: School Fashion

Lesson: Fashion Shoot 
School Fashion 
Lesson: Photoshop/Overlay 
Narrow View of the school entrance

Lesson: Unique Photography 
School Library 
Lesson: Unique Photography 
Rock Climbing

Lesson: Photoshop/Overlay 
My Bear 
Lesson: Photoshop/Overlay
Random snapshot 

Lesson: Unique Photography
Distant gaming 
Taken by my classmate 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

The Moon

Looking for that someone that could be miles away. 
In a distance, someone calls. Is it for me? Perhaps not. 
Silent as the wind that blows, my hands swiftly moves. 
Leaving selfish thoughts on unwanted paper. 
Whispering to the light that shines through my windows. 
" Let me learn to be alone. Let me learn how to shut the voice in my hearts. The wants. The addiction. The sadness. The sorrow. Teach me to store it away"

Scripts are strewn all over. An actor lies on the floor. 
Cigarette in one hand, the other through his hair. 
He asks himself did he choose the right path. 
Where was the spirit he used to have? Are they gone now? 
What's his purpose other then performing for others?
 Walking to his window, he looks out. 
Whispering to the moon. 
"Help me find the road that gives me strength so that I can stand once again"

Broken glasses smashed against the wall a cry is heard. 
A girl leans against the wall. Tears running down her eyes. 
She picks up a shattered glass without a thought and brings it to her wrist. 
What's life.  Whats her purpose in this story called life. 
Invisible to others and unheard by many. 
Her life was in a darkness. 
She follows the trail of light shining through her window. 
Her eyes is led up to face the shining moon and she begs. 
"Save me. Save me from despair. Let me see the light in my world of darkness. Save me"

A moan is heard from the sheets as darkness falls upon two people.
 Lust. Love. Addiction. These 3 words filled the room. 
As one person lays after whats done, the other has his eyes wide open. 
Am I doing something wrong? 
But he couldn't live without the man beside him. 
He sighs and turns his body towards the window. The moon greeted him. 
"Let me be free to love who I want. Let me love the one who loves me the most & makes me one"

The moon is a being. 
A being many unconsciously speaks to. 
Only time will tell if it understand the many tales it is being told.